Below are some sample rates, please contact us for a specfic, detailed quotation that best serves you requirements. Significant discounts are available for multiple tracks and for multiple output formats, contact us for a custom quotation at jules@epicaudiomedia.co.uk
All our artist's material is considered completely copyright/confidential and held on a secure system.
File transfers are done via encrypted means, ensuring no unauthorised circulation.

from £25 per Track
Custom mastering from a digital track, to your specification. Price includes the provision of a digital master and three revisions where required. Significant discounts are available for an album or collection of tracks, or multiple platforms (CD/Vinyl/Broadcast/Streaming, etc.), including authoring and distribution formats outputs.

Post Production
from £35 per track
Mix Analysis, including suggested adjustments to the final mix to ensure that the mastering process enhances and balances the sound perfectly or to rearrange material to achieve a certain sound, feel or contrast in the final master. Authoring for pre-mastered tracks where required. Price does not include mastering. Significant discounts are available for an album or collection of tracks, contact us for a custom quotation for packages.

from £105 per Track
Custom mixing from digital tracks (or stems), to your specification. Price includes mixing from stems forming a preliminary rough mix. Contact us for prices for mixing from raw studio/DAW outputs and 1 revision of the first mix. Price does not include Mastering, Significant discounts are available for an album or collection of tracks. Package deals are available on request.

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Restoration from a digital track, can include Rebalancing, cutting or spiking equalisation , Clicks, pops, crackles and other unwanted noise, Enhancing old material with underlying noise (such as ferric, chrome or metal tape), Removing vinyl scratches, Spectral Repair and delayering/deconstructing into components, Remastering, Resampling, Transient reshaping and expansion (partially removing mastering), Stereo Imaging and wide field enhancements, from 2 to 2.1 – 7.1
Cutting or extending existing audio seamlessly. Contact us for a custom quote.